Real Time System By Liu Pdf Merge

Posted By admin On 24.09.19

This valuable reference provides a comprehensive treatment of the technology known as RMA (rate-monotonic analysis) method. It also covers the tremendous recent advances in real-time operating systems and communications networks—emphasizing research results that have been adopted in state-of-the-art systems.

Real Time System By Liu Pdf Merge Pdf

Liu, Real-time Systems, Prentice Hall, 2000 (Textbook). An in-depth. How we can combine bounded interrupt times, EDF, full preemption. A system with real-time constraints is called a real-time system. Or conflicts, synchronization, merging, confusion, mutual exclusion, and priority 9. Considering the earliest deadline first dynamic priority scheduling, Liu. KEYWORDS hard real-time systems, parallel computing, HPC. Our scheduler as a whole adopts the classic model of Liu 25 for describing.

Describing how and discussing why, this book uses insightful illustrative examples to convey technology transition in the last ten years. Coverage includes commonly used approaches to hard real-time scheduling, clock-driven scheduling, scheduling aperiodic and sporadic jobs in priority-driven systems, resources and resource access control, real-time communications, and operating systems. For systems architects, designers, chief scientists and technologists, and systems analysts.

Most real-time operating systems are based on static priorityscheduling. But how can systems be truly real time withoutan awareness of deadlines?I have not yet used a deadline scheduler or implemented one for serious use, and I've only read a fraction of the “relevant literature.” I cannot call myself a real-time scheduling expert. I am, however, an interested and half-committed neophyte. In the last few years, I've spent many weeks with real-time scheduling fanatics in the Real-Time Java Working Group and the Real-Time Java Experts Group. The Real Time Specification for Java has carefully-prepared slots for improved scheduling algorithms. They are there because the experts group wants the specification to be relevant after the real-time community moves away from static priority scheduling.

There is a serious possibility this movement will happen.I started out profoundly skeptical. I have used static priority scheduling for decades and never found a scheduling problem I could not solve. More fundamentally, I, like most real-time programmers, am a control freak.

I can think of too many ways a complex, authoritarian scheduler could break a system.The potential of dynamic priority is closely coupled with “write-once-run-anywhere.” Priorities are all the scheduler needs to know if the only critical fact is the relative ranking of tasks. Download descargar whatsapp para samsung omnia i900 software. That implies that only the highest priority task has hard real-time characteristics. If there is more than one real-time task, the scheduler might serve the system better if it knows when each task needs to complete and how long it will take. In the best case, the scheduler can tell you what deadlines it can guarantee, and meet those commitments.

This isn't exactly write once run anywhere, but it is the best we can expect in a real-time environment. A priority scheduler cannot make guarantees, and it may fail in unexpected ways if it is moved out of the environment for which it was designed.This may sound too positive.

I am not sure dynamic priority scheduling is ready for widespread use today. It has practical problems starting with the extreme difficulty of putting a strict limit on how much processor time a task will require even in a specified environment, and ending with the NP-completeness of the general scheduling problem.It is, however, something anyone seriously concerned with real-time systems design needs to track.Some definitionsWe are used to fixed-priority schedulers. The term is a little misleading since priorities are not necessarily fixed.

They can be freely changed under program control, but the scheduler is not allowed to change them. Aging (which I will discuss in detail later) pushes this definition, but fixed priority schedulers with aging are still considered fixed priority. This is mainly a non-issue since aging is not common in real-time schedulers.Priority alterations by priority inheritance or priority ceiling protocols are also considered okay for fixed-priority schedulers.

The scheduler is probably involved in the priority changes, but the motivation is wrong, so these practices do not constitute dynamic priority scheduling.If priorities are assigned at design time (as by rate monotonic analysis, pr RMA), that is termed static priority assignment.Hard real-time tasks must finish at a particular time. Something really bad will happen if they don't.Soft real-time tasks have a preferred completion time, but the consequences of not completing on time are not totally catastrophic. There is a continuum between not real-time and hard real time. In the world of engineering trade-offs, failure is seldom totally unthinkable.The target completion time for a task is called its deadline.Non-schedulable entities use a share of a system resource (like CPU time) but are not controlled by the scheduler. Interrupt service routines are a good example.A dynamic priority scheduler may never deal with priority.

Real Time Systems Pdf

It arranges scheduling queues by execution eligibility, and if tasks want to communicate a metric of relative importance to the scheduler, they call it importance. The scheduler controls the order of the queues, and it may reshuffle them on any significant event: passage of time, completion of a task, change of a lock's state, or appearance of a new runnable task. The effective priority of tasks may be in constant flux, it is invisible to programmers, and they should not be concerned with it (except programmers implementing the scheduler).Preemption is the interruption of a lower-priority task when a higher-priority task becomes ready to run. Systems that don't support preemption are called run until block because that is what tasks do under those systems. A system that preempts tasks is called preemptive.“Classical” schedulingOften priorities do an excellent job of communicating a programmer's desires to the scheduler.

Actual deadlines are not clearly articulated, and many of them are soft. The importance of tasks is relative, for example:.


No matter what is going on, if someone pushes the abort button, deal with it immediately. The power-fail line is just a little bit less important than the abort button. When nobody else wants time, record events on a printed log. In any left-over time, run system diagnostics.For many systems this level of description is complete and useful. It is wonderfully easy to implement a scheduler for it, and the scheduler is efficient to the point of trivial. It may well use only a small constant amount of time for any scheduling event.Programmers particularly like the fact that they can easily predict and control what task should be running at any moment.Rate monotonic analysisThis idea is from Liu and Layland. They proved that if a fixed priority preemptive system is to run a set of independent periodic tasks, no better way exists to statically assign priorities to the periodic tasks than to assign them such that tasks with shorter periods get higher priorities.That thought has been considerably extended, but the fundamental idea remains.

Techniques have even been developed to allow RMA scheduling of aperiodic tasks (by squeezing them into periodic allocations), and to analyze systems with interactions between tasks (by bounding the blocking time for the interactions with techniques like priority ceiling protocol).One particularly important feature of RMA is that a system's feasibility can be analyzed. Using RMA, an architect can gather the facts about a system, then turn the analytical crank until it produces a “yes, schedule it like this” or “no, this cannot be scheduled with a fixed priority scheduler.” Impossibility results are particularly useful.Unlike some products of the academic real-time community, rate monotonic analysis can be applied to ordinary commercial systems.

Every serious real-time operating system has a fixed priority preemptive scheduler suitable for analysis.Rate monotonic scheduling's limitsRate monotonic analysis is comparatively simple because it makes simplifying assumptions. The assumptions apply to a substantial number of problems, but RMA is not the universal tool that solves all scheduling problems.Perhaps most offensive to the standard thrifty embedded engineer is the CPU time that RMA uses. The simple, general version of RMA cannot commit to the feasibility of a system that uses more than 69% of available CPU time. If the architect falls back on old fashioned time-line analysis, RMA can be pushed all the way to 100% utilization, but we're into tedious hand simulation, not elegant algebra.In some systems, nearly every event is periodic, but most have a significant aperiodic component. The real world is like that. Aperiodic events can be handled in a strictly periodic system by servicing them in periodically scheduled time slots, but that effectively reduces the system to polling. The system designer has to decide how often to poll for aperiodic events, and how long to allow for servicing them.Then there is the issue of soft real time.

RMA can incorporate a measure of importance by bumping a task's priority above the level dictated by its period. This will push failure toward tasks that have not been bumped, but it runs contrary to the whole idea of RMA. The procedure analyzes feasibility, and then guarantees success. It is not designed to work for systems that are infeasible.Limitations of fixed priority schedulingThe worst problem with fixed priority scheduling is that it is oblivious to deadlines; that is, blind to hard real time. It is like a traffic light that operates on a timer with no traffic sensors. Consider Figure 1. The top timeline (H) represents a high-priority task.

The lower timeline (L) represents a lower-priority task. The scheduler executes the higher priority task first, easily completing its computation before its deadline. When task H completes, the scheduler switches to task L, but not enough time is available to complete it before its deadline. If the scheduler were aware of the deadlines, it could have run L before H, and met both deadlines.