X3 Reunion Cockpit Mod By Imp Download
Posted By admin On 21.09.19I cant install this. I downloaded Version: ITSX3TC+APCPBasis6 and Version: ITSX3TCFullCP for V2.7 to 3.1 and 3.2 i than changed the name of the ITSX3TCAPCPBasis6.dat file to 14.dat at the game install folder and same with the ITSX3TCAPCPBasis6.cat file.But i have no addon folder to place the cpatch files. Do i make such a folder?i than did the same for the files in ITSX3TCFullCP for V2.7 to 3.1 at the main install folder.
X-Universe - Plugin Manager. The X Plugin Manager is a program thats used to install plugins into the X-Universe games, mainly designed for X3: Reunion. It allows installing of any plugins that are distributed in SPK, Script Package, files, and XSP, X Ship Packages, files.
When i run the game it crashes after loading screen (after selecting sav file and after that loading screen) sometimes i can still hear in game voice (i can hear the docking beep)any tips pls? First of all, im not sure about this, but.
What game are you playing.? If its TC, you can either place both ITSX3TCAPCPBasis6.dat and ITSX3TCAPCPBasis6.cat files into the main directory and rename them to the highest number (fake patch method), then just start your save game. Or place them in the mods folder (mod method) and pick them from the mods selection list in the start screen from the game.the ITSX3TCFullCP for V2.7 to 3.1 files change the TShips file from the game thus i think it is not save game compatible.conclusion, if you want to start from a save game you can only add the ITSX3TCAPCPBasis6 files, however, if you want to start a new game you can install the ITSX3TCFullCP for V2.7 to 3.1 files too.the Addon folder they talk about, you only have it if you have Albion Prelude installed. If you dont, you dont have the Addon folder.IF you have a addon folder, wich means you have to have Albion Prelude installed, you have to download and install the ITSX3TCAPCPBasis6 and the ITSX3APFullCP for V1.0 and V1.1. Files into the addons folder and rename them to the highest number if you want the patch method or you can just put them into the mod folder if you want to use the mod method.good luck. I have been banging my head against this mod for two days now trying to get it to work.
Even following the instructions in the 'YAY I GOT IT TO WORK' posts have led me to the same crash screen again and again. I'm going to provide a few details about my specific setup, and maybe some kind soul might be able to help me.1) I only have Terran Conflict; no Albion Prelude.2) I bought a hard copy of the game, version 2.0, currently patched to 3.2. I do not have it installed through Steam (though I have it registered in my Steam Library for the future, it has never been installed there).3) I have NO OTHER MODS. I have never modded this game before, which is why a fair amount of the references are lost on me (TSships? However, I really really REALLY want cockpits, so I muddle through.4) I have renamed the.cats and.dats and placed them in the main X3TC folder in the order described (over and over, installed and uninstalled again and again). Game crashes when trying to load a savegame with the files in place; loads fine when I remove the files.5) I have traveled to a desolate sector and ejected from my ship. I even tried sending my ship to dock at a station in another sector (possibly a mistake?), leaving me all alone in the cold of space with nothing but a suit to protect me (this is the savegame I keep trying to load).6) Trying to load the current save, the X3Crash.log says.
Code: Crash event occurred on Sun Apr 28 17:E:X3 Terran ConflictX3TC.exeThe exception 'Access violation' (0xc0000005) was caused at address 001b:00425f99Process owned by user: David HarlanNo story task running.followed by many 'stack dump' numbers.One thing I wonder might be causing me a problem: Imp says that once you eject from your ship and save using salvage insurance, that 'no ships should be in fight'. I'm not sure if Imp means that no ships should be in combat, or if he meant to say that 'no ships should be in flight'.See, if he means in flight then this job just became ten times harder, because I have 3 huge factory complexes in 3 different sectors, each complex having between 10-20 haulers on automated trade runs. Then, also, there are my idling Zeus with two wings of 10 fighters, and my Mammoth; so I have LOADS of ships in flight at any given time. Having to dock all these ships to install the mod, then re-issue all their trade run orders (most of which I set up two years ago, so the specifics are not exactly fresh in my mind) would be a royal pain in the ass. But I'll consider it!If this information is in any way informative, I would be eternally grateful if someone could tell meA) EXACTLY which files I need (for example, one of the zips seems to contain.cat/.dats for both version 2.7 and 3.2- as far as I can tell.
Do I need both? Which one?)B) EXACTLY what order and what folders where the necessary files belong (my base install has.cat/.dats numbered up to 13, so I have been installing- in the X3TC main directory-ITSX3TCAPCPBasis6.cat/.dat as #14;ITSX3TCFullCP32.cat/.dat as #15; andITSX3APCPpatch.cat/.dat as #16.I still don't know what to do with PSCO1noInfoRadar.cat/.dat, or where it falls in this heirarchy.
My last few attempts have excluded this file).C) Do I have to dock everybody?Many thanks in advance for any help provided. As i'm already losing my hair naturally, this process is NOT helping.
For those interested in having a cockpit in the X3 games on Mac: (maybe Linux too?)1.) Go to the egosoft forums and download Imps cockpit mod.2.) Run the exe with Wineskin/Bootcamp etc.3.) When it says there is no install of X3 present, just continue.4.) The folder with files that is created will have a.dat and.cat file.5.) Go to your game folder: X3/contents/resources/game and check all the numbers before all the.cat/.dat files that are in there.6.) Rename the 2 mod.dat and.cat files to a number following the last one in your X3 game directory. For example; mine went up to 9, so I renamed the mod files to 10.dat and 10.cat7.) Place the mod files in your game folder.8.) Start the game and don't select any mods.9.) You should now have cockpits in any of the X3 games.I've never posted anything like this ever, so sorry if something is not clear or if this has already been posted somewhere on the boards.Hopefully other Mac users can now enjoy cockpits in X3! Thanks for the post @Weynonmonk! That's a nice, short, to-the-point explanation =)Resources for Mac and Linux users are significantly harder to come by—the key with X3 being that you need Wine to handle unpacking the mod executables and apply the cat/dat files manually.I wrote a detailing these and other steps a couple years ago when I was trying to get XRM installed. I covered mod installation for Windows/Mac/Linux, so my post can be pretty hard to skim through for the relevant parts.
X3 Reunion Scripts
Your explanation is far better for non-Windows users.I used PSCO1's cockpit mods, and I also covered MARS Fire Control and a few other popular X3 mods in there with some basic installation details—in case you're interested in burying yourself further in the expansive X3 modding community;).