Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Kepegawaian Fuller
Posted By admin On 21.10.19- Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Kepegawaian Fuller College
- Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Kepegawaian
- Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Kepegawaian Fullerton
Analisis Aplikasi Kepegawaian/ SIMPEG Sistem Informasi Manajemen Kepegawaian (SIMPEG) atau Aplikasi Kepegawaian berfungsi untuk mengelola, merekam dan meng-Entry data/informasi terkait administrasi kepegawaian di Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia. Namun, Aplikasi Kepegawaian pada aplikasi SIMKARI yang ada di.
Tabel silang (pivot table ) di bawah ini disusun berdasarkan hirarki KLASIFIKASI DDC, JUDUL BUKU, NAMA PENULIS, EDISISum of JUMLAHRow Labels(Optional number)10 Pemenang Nobel EkonomiWilliam Breit & Roger W. Spencer1Menteri-Menteri Agama RI (Giografi Sosial Politik)Prof.Dr. Azyumardi Azra & Drs. Saiful Umam, MA.1UnassignedCorporate Governance(Lembaga Keaungan Syariah)Ikhwan Abidin Basri,MA1Kalkulasi PerusahaanA. Bouwhof1Molecular Cell BiologyHarvey Lodish; David Baltimore; Berk; Zipursky3Reinventing The FutureThomas A.Bass1Tensors In Mechanics And ElasticityLeon Brillouin1AccountingFinancial AccountingWeygandt,Kimmel,Kieso1A Dictionary for AccountantsKohler2A+Complete Study GuideDavid Groth2Accountancy Depelovment in Indonesia no 3Tim Koordinasi Pengembangan Akuntansi1Accountancy Development in Indonesia no 3John R.
Evans1Accountancy Development in Indonesia no 6Arief Suadi1AccountingCharles T. Horngren1Charles T. Horngren and Walter T. Harrison, Jr.2Charles T.
Horngren; Walter T. Harrison; Robinson3CharlesT.Horngren,Walter T.Harrison,Linda S.Bamber6Horngren; Harrison; and Bamber45Paul J. Zucconi, CPA1Warren, Fess, and Reeve181920Accounting (Rowland & Magee)Brian Magee, B.Com., FCA.1Accounting & Auditing in a New EnvironmentAlebert J.
Harnois1Accounting & Auditing ResearchThomas R.Weirich,Thomas C.Pearson,Natalie T.Churyk7Accounting 21eCarl S.warren,James M.reeve.Philip E.Fess21Accounting An International PerspectiveGernon/Meek5Accounting and AuditingThomas R. Weirich, Ph.D, CPA2Accounting and Financial Reporting.Robert W. Ingram1Accounting and Information SystemsJohn Page and Paul Hooper3Joseph W. Wilkinson23Accounting Concept & ApplicationsAlbrecht,Stice,Stice,Swain9Accounting for Derivatives and HedgingMark A.
Trombley1Accounting for Financial Statement PresentationJack L. Smith & Robert M. Keith1Accounting For Governmental and Nonprofit EntitiesEarl R.Wilson,Ph and Susan C.Kattelus,Ph.D13Accounting for the Human FactorLee D.
Parker1Accounting for Treasury ProductsJohn I. Tiner and Joe M. Conneely2Accounting Handbook 1994Colin Parker FCPA1Accounting in a Business contextAidan Berry1Accounting Information For Business DecisionsBillie M. Cunningham/Loren A. Nikolai2Accounting Information for DecisionsRobert W.
Ingram3Accounting Information SystemGeorge H. Bodnar45671Joseph W. Hurt1Robert A. Leitch1Accounting Information SystemsBarry E. Cushing/Marshall B. Romney6Frederick L. Jones and Dasaratha V.
Rama21George H.Bodnar,William S.Hopwood89108James A.Hall4John F. Nash23Joseph W.Wilkinson,Michael J.Cerullo,Vasant Raval4Marshall B. Romney/Paul J. Cus79101112Mawdudur Rahman and Maurice Halladay1Stephen A. Moscove, Ph,D4Ulric J. Gelinas,Jr6Ulric J.
Gelines, Jr1Accounting Information Systems, A CycleJames R. Davis3Accounting PrinciplesAbdullah Shahab, SE., Ak.4C.Rollin Niswonger/Philip E.Fess12Fess/Warren14Hiro Tugiman1Howard S. Noble5Jack L. Smith34Jerry J.
Weygandt/Kieso/Kimmel2456789Niswonger and Fess1113Philip Fess, Phd, CPA151617Ronald J. Thacker2Weygan,Kieso,Kimmel8Accounting Principles & ApplicationsSkousen Langenderfer Albert & Albrecht4Accounting Principles & PracticesL.
Padden Neeley4Accounting Principles 1Abdullah Shahab, SE. Ak.101112Accounting Principles 2Abdullah Shahab324Accounting Principles IAbdullah Shahab41Accounting Standards 1994/95Richard M. Wilkins1Accounting Structured in APLYuji Ijiri1Accounting SystemsCecil Gillespie M.B.A., CPA.3Accounting Text and CasesRobert N. Anthony79101112Accounting TheoryAhmed Belkaoui1Ahmed Riahi Belkaoui34Eldon S. Hendriksen4Harry I. Wolk,Michael G Tearney235Jayne Godfrey; Allan Hodgson; Scott Holmes37John A. Christensen and Joel S.
Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Kepegawaian Fuller College
Demski1Vernon Kam2Accounting Theory (Teori Akuntansi)Ahmed Belkaoui; Drs. Erwan Dukat, Akt., dkk1Accounting Theory (Teori Akuntansi) Buku DuaAhmed Riahi-Belkaoui5Accounting Theory (Teori Akuntansi) Buku SatuAhmed Riahi Belkaoui5Accounting Theory and PolicyRobert Bloom, Ph, D ( Editor )2Accounting Theory, Text and ReadingRichard G. Schoroeder345Accounting Tutorial A Transaction Analysis App.Warren W. Allen3Accounts, Accounting and accountabilityG. Macdonald1Acquiring,Developing,& Implementing Accounting Information SystemsUlric J. Gelinas,Jr6Activities in Financial AccountingMartha S. Doran1Advance AccountingJoe B.
Hoyle,Thomas F.Schaefer,Thimothy S.Doupnik7Advanced AccountingAllan R. Drebin5Andrew A Haried, PhD, CPA.4Andrew A. Haried, Leroy F. Imdieke & Ralph E.Smith6Debra C.Jeter and Paul K. Chaney24Floyd A.
Beams45678910Patrick S. Fischer, PhD, CPA49Advanced Accounting (Akunting Tinggi)Harry Simons and Wilbert E. Karrenborck1Advanced Accounting (soal jawab seri 2)Harry Simon, MA., CPA.1Advanced Accounting (soal jawab seri 3)Harry Simon, MA., CPA.1Advanced Accounting 1Harry Simons MA, CPA1Advanced Accounting 2Harry Simons, MA. CPA.1Advanced Accounting seri 1Harry Simons MA., CPA.1Advanced Accounting seri 2Harry simons MA.CPA1Advanced Accounting Seri 3Harry Simons MA,CPA1Advanced Financial AccountingPearl Tan Hock Neo,Peter Lee Lip Nyean1Ricard E. Baker1Richard E. Baker5671Ronald J. Huefner2Advanced Financial Accounting Akuntansi keuangan Lanjutan Buku 1Richard E.
Baker/Valdean c. Lembke6Akuntansi Basis Pengambilan Keputusan Bisnis Jilid IIHenry simamora1Akuntansi BiayaBastian Bustami,Nurlela1Harlianto Utomo1Milton F.
Usry10Mulyadi335Mulyadi, Drs.,Ak.MSc; Bambang Sudibyo, Drs.,Ak.MBA1William K. Carter14Akuntansi Biaya (Tradisional & Modern) Jilid 1Drs. Kusnadi HMA., MSi; Nanang Sasongko, SE.MSi2Akuntansi Biaya (Tradisional & Modern) Jilid 2Drs. Kusnadi HMA., MSi; Nanang Sasongko, SE.MSi.Ak2Akuntansi Biaya Bagian IAk Group1Akuntansi Biaya Buku 1Carter/Usry13Charles T. Horngren (Endah Susilaningtyas, SE.MBA8Akuntansi Biaya Buku 2Carter/Usry13Akuntansi Biaya Buku DuaCharles Horngren8Akuntansi Biaya Buku IDrs.
Supriyono2Akuntansi Biaya Buku IIDrs. Supriyono, S.U.,Ak22Akuntansi Biaya Buku satuCharles T.
Horngren8AKuntansi Biaya dengan menggunakan Pendekatan Manajemen Biaya Jilid 2L. Gayle Rayburn6Akuntansi Biaya Jilid 1James A. Cashin; Ralph S. Polimeni1Matz/Usry8Akuntansi Biaya Jilid 2Charles T. Horngren116Matz/Usry8Akuntansi Biaya Pengumpulan.buku 1Harnanto2Akuntansi Biaya Perencanaan & Pengendalian Jilid 1Adolp Matz9Akuntansi Biaya Perencanaan & Pengendalian Jilid 2Adolph Matz89Akuntansi Biaya Suatu (Penekanan Manajerial) Jilid 1Charles T. Horngren11116Akuntansi dan Keuangan Untuk Manajer Non KeuanganBudi Rahardjo1Akuntansi danaDody Hapsoro1Akuntansi di Indonesia Buku 1Horngren, Harrison, Robinson & Secokusumo3Akuntansi di Indonesia Buku 2Horngren, Harrison, Robinson & Secokusumo3Akuntansi EkuitasHendry Y.Setiabudi dan Iwan Triyuwono1Akuntansi IntermediateDrs. Mas'ud Machfoedz,MBA2Akuntansi Intermediate Jilid 1Donald E.Kieso & Weygandt710Jay M.
Fred Skousen9Jay M. Smith, Jr., PhD, CPA8Akuntansi Intermediate Jilid 2Donald E. Kieso, Ph.D,CPA; Jerry Weygandt, Ph.D.710Jay M. Smith, Jr.Phd. CPA89Akuntansi Intermediate Jilid 3Donald E. Kieso, Ph.D., CPA & Jerry J.
Weygandt710Akuntansi InternasionalDR.F.Zebua1Akuntansi Internasional Buku 1Frederick D.S. Choi & Gerhard G.
Muller25Akuntansi Internasional Buku 2Frederick D.S. Choi and Gerhard G.Muller1Akuntansi IslamSofyan Syafri Harahap1Akuntansi Keuanagn Lanjutan Edisi 1Hadori Yunus Harnanto1Akuntansi KeuanganEly Suhayati,Sri Dewi Anggadini1Akuntansi Keuangan (Tingkat Dasar)Drs.H. HMA, MSi; Subiyantoro; Sudjana1Akuntansi Keuangan DaerahDrs.
Abdul Halim,MBA,Akt13Prof.Dr.Abdul Halim,MBA,AKt1Akuntansi Keuangan dengan Pendekatan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan IndonesiaIlya Avianti1Akuntansi Keuangan IntermediateDrs.H. HMA,MSi; Ramelan; Rahayu1Akuntansi Keuangan Konsep dan Aplikasi Buku ISkousen,Albert,Stice1Akuntansi Keuangan Lanjutan di Indonesia Buku 1Floyd A. Beams & Amir Abadi Jusuf61Akuntansi Keuangan LAnjutan di Indonesia Buku 2Floyd A.Beams and Amir Abadi Jusuf1Akuntansi Keuangan Menengah (Intermediate)Kusnadi. HMA.; Siti Maria; Ririn Irmadariyani1Akuntansi Lanjutan Jilid 1Floyd A.
Beams/Brozovsky97Akuntansi Lanjutan Jilid 2Floyd A. Beams/Brozovsky7Akuntansi LeasingDrs. Amin Widjana Tunggal, Ak., MBA.1Akuntansi PajakSophar Lumbantoruan1Akuntansi PemerintahanBahtiar Arif/Muchlis/Iskandar1Deddi Nordiwan,Iswahyudi Sondi Putra,Maulidah Rahm1Dr.Hj.Nunuy Nur AfiahSe,M.Si,Ak1Drs. Arifin Sabeni, M.Com., Hons., Ak.3Drs.
Ravrisond Baswir, M.B.A., Ak.2Muhammad Gade1Akuntansi Pemerintahan (Publik)Kusnadi; Sukmalana; Rohaedi; Puspitasarie1Akuntansi Pemerintahan (seri soal jawab)Dody Hapsoro1Akuntansi Pemerintahan IndonesiaRavrisond Baswir23Akuntansi PengantarSuwardjono2Akuntansi Pengawasan dan ManagementDrs. MSAc1Akuntansi Perbankan Buku 1Indra Bastian/Suhardjono1Akuntansi Perbankan Jilid 1N. Lapoliwa, SE., Ak., MBA.15Akuntansi Perbankan Jilid 2N. Lapoliwa, SE, Ak, MBA13Akuntansi Perbankan SyariahDr.Muhammad,M.Ag,Dwi Suwiknyo,SEi,MSi1Akuntansi PersekutuanDrs. Nurofik1Akuntansi Perspektif InternasionalHelen Gernon/Gery K. Meek5Akuntansi Perusahaan Jasa dan DagangHery,SE,MSi1Akuntansi Sektor PublikDeddi Nordiawan1Prof. Mardiasmo,MBA,Ak1Akuntansi Sektor Publik Akuntansi Keuangan DaerahProf.Dr.
Abdul Halim,MBA,Ak3Akuntansi Suatu Pengantar Buku 1Soemarso S.R15Akuntansi Suatu Pengantar jilid 1Soemarso S. R.24Akuntansi Suatu Pengantar jilid 2Soemarso S.R.23Akuntansi Sumber Daya ManusiaDrs. Amin Widjaja Tunggal, Ak., MBA.1Akuntansi syari'ahIwan Triyuwono dan Moh.As'udi1Akuntansi Syariah di IndonesiaSri Nurhayati,Wasilah1Akuntansi Untuk UsahawanD.
Hartanto1Akunting BiayaDrs. Prayitno Djojopawiro1Akunting Tinggi (Adveanced Accouting)Harry Simons,MA1Alternate Exercises and Problems for use with Intermediate Accountingj. David Spiceland3An International Accounting Comparison Volume 1Stephen Taylor & Norma Hall2An International Accounting Comparison Volume 2Stephen Taylor & Norma Hall2An Introduction to Acc case analysisL.S. Rosen2An Introduction To Islamic Accounting Theory And PracticeAbdul Rahim Abdul Rahman1Analisis dan MetodologiSjahrir1Analisis Laporan KeuanganDr. Hanafi,M.B.A2Analisis Laporan Keuangan Buku 1K.R. Subramanyam,John J.Wild810Analisis Laporan Keuangan Buku 2John J. Wild/K.R Subramanyan/Hasley8Anatomy Of CriticsmNorthrop Frye1Applying GAAP 1994/95David Chopping and Moore Stephens3Applying International Accounting StandardsKeith Alfredson/Ken Leo/Ruth Picker1Aspek-Aspek EDP Audit Pengendalian Internal Pada KomputerisasiEdi Purwono1Asset Valuation and Income DeterminationRobert R.
Sterling (e)1Audit An Integrated ApproachAlvin A. Arens5Audit Intern Bank Buku 1Tjukria P. Tawaf1Audit Intern Bank Buku 2Tjukria P. Tawaf1Audit InternalHiro Tugiman1Audit Mutu (Quality Auditing)Drs.
Amin Widjaja Tunggal, MBA, Ak1Audit Practice CaseRalph B. Tower5Audit Sampling An IntroductionDan M.
Carmichael; O. Ray Whittington3Audit Sektor PublikIndra Bastian,Ph.,MBA,Akt2Audit Sistem InformasiAli Masjono Mukhtar,SE,MBIT1Audit Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanJohn Humble1AuditingAlvin A. Arens362Dan M. Mardiasmo, MBA, AK3Drs.
Munawir,Akuntan1Drs.Amin Widjaja Tunggal,Ak.CPA,MBA1Drs.Amin Widjaja Tunggal,Ak.MBA1John Dunn1Theodorus M. Tuanakotta3Auditing (Pemeriksaan Akuntan) Jilid 1Sukrisno Agoes2Sukrisno Agoes,Ak,MM3Auditing (Pemeriksaan Akuntan) Jilid 2Sukrisno Agoes1Auditing (Pemeriksaan Akuntan) Jilid IISukrisno Agoes,Ak,MM3Auditing (Pendekatan Terpadu) Buku IAmir Abadi Jusuf/Arens51Auditing & Assurance ServiceWilliam F. Messier, JR.1Auditing & Assurance ServicesJack C. Robertson, PhD/Louwers10Timothy J.
Louwers,Robert J. Ramsay,Dll1William F. Messier, JR.234Auditing A Risk Anlaysis ApproachLarry F. Konrath5Auditing an integrated ApproachAlvin A. Arens36786Alvin A. Arens, MA5Alvin A.
Arens/James K.Lobbecke2Auditing and Assurance Handbook 2007Stephanie Kemp2Auditing and Assurance ServicesDavid N. Ricchiute7Elder/Beasley/Alvin Arens4Auditing Bagian 1Arthur W. Holmes and Wayne S. Overmyer1Auditing Buku 1Mulyadi, Kanaka Puradiredja56Auditing Buku 2Mulyadi, Kanaka Puradiredja56Auditing CasesKnapp7Mark S.Beasley,Frank A.Buckless,Steven M.Glover4Auditing Concepts & MethodsD.R. Charmichael, Ph.D., CPA.5Auditing Concepts and methodsD.R.
Carmichael4Auditing dan Pelayanan Verifikasi Pendekatan Terpadu Jilid 1Alvin A. Arens/Randal J.
Elder9Auditing dan Pelayanan Verifikasi Pendekatan Terpadu Jilid 2Alvin A. Arens/Randal J. Elder9Auditing Jilid 2Dan M. Guy/Wayne Alderman5Auditing Norma & Prosedur Jilid 1Arthur W.
Holmes/David C. Burns9Auditing Norma & Prosedur Jilid 2Arthur W. Holmes9Auditing Pendekatan terpadu Buku 1Alvin A. Arens5Auditing Pendekatan Terpadu Buku 2Alvin A. Arens5Auditing Petunjuk Pemeriksaan Akuntan publicTheodorus M.
Tunakotta3Auditing Standards and ProceduresArthur W. Holmes, C.P.A91Auditing Suatu Pendekatan Terpadu jilid 1Alvin A.
Arens4Auditing the Performance of ManagementLeo Herbert1Auditing TodayEmile Woolf34Auditing, an Integrated Concepts ProseduresDonald H, Taylor, Ph.D, C.P.A561Beberapa Masalah AuditingDrs. Arifin Wirakusumah, M.A.
Sc.1Behavioral AccountingGary Siegel1Behavioral Accounting ResearchVicky Arnold and Steve G. Sutton1Biographies of Notable AccountansThe Academy of Acc Histoians & Random House2Brink's Modern Internal AuditingRobert Moeller6BudgetingGlenn A. Welsch5Glenn A.Welsch4Budgeting & Budgetary ComtrolG.P.
Jakhotiya1Business Accounting 1Frank Wood2Case in Accounting SystemsPaul E. Bayes1Cases FinanceJim DeMello21Cases in Accounting Ethics & ProfessionalismSteven M. Mintz1Codification of Statement on Auditing.A I C P A1College AccountingJames A. Heintz14Company AccountingR.C. Navaratnam1Comparative International AccontingChristopher Nobes & Robert Parker4Comparative International AccoutingChristopher Nobes and Robert Parker45Comperative International AccountingChristhopher Nobes2Comprehensive Auditing in Canada.James Cutt1Contemporary AuditingMichael C.Knapp5Contemporary Auditing For StudentKamal Gupta4Corporate CollapseAndrew McRobert and Ronnie Hoffman1Corporate Financial AccountngCarl S. Warren,James M.Reeve7Corporate Financial ReportingE.
Richard Brownlee II/Kenneth R. Ferris4Corporation AccountingR.
Clift3Cost AccountingCarter/Usry13Charles T. Horngren8Edward D. Deakin/Michael W. Maher1Gordon Shillinglaw, Ph.D1Harold Bierman, Jr1L. Gayle Rayburn6Lawrence H. Hammer11Les Heitger, Ph.D., CPA.2Shane Moriarity3Cost Accounting (Kalkulasi Harga Pokok)Drs.R. Soemita Adikoesoemah.Ak1Cost Accounting Planning & ControlMilton F.
Usry8Cost Accounting Planning and ControlAdolph Matz, Ph.D8Milton F. Usry, Ph.D, CPA10Cost Accounting,Theory and Problems.Ralp S.Polimeni/Sheila A.Handy/James A.Cashin3Cost Accounting; Concepts &.Ralph S. Polimeni3Cost Analysis for management decisionsM.R.S Murthy1Cost And Management AccountingAlan Pizzey3Cost And Managerial AccountingJack Gray1Cost/Managerial AccountingIrvin N.Gleim,Ph.D.CPA6Current Auditing DevelopmentEmile Woolf3Current Issues in AccountingBryan Carsberg (e)2Current Issues in AuditingDavid Kent ( Editor )1Current Value AccountingWarren Chippindale and Philip L. Defliese1Dasar-Dasar AkuntansiDrs. Sadeli/Siti Muzaijanah S.E.1Prof. Hadibroto1Dasar-dasar Akuntansi Jilid IAl.
Haryono Jusup4Dasar-Dasar Akunting IRonald J. Thacker2Dasar-Dasar Ekonomi Teknik Jilid 1Eugene L. Grant Ireson/R.
Leavenworth1Dasar-Dasar Ekonomi Teknik Jilid 2Eugene L. Grant Ireson/R.S. Leavenworth1Data Pemegang Sertifikat Qualified Internal Auditor di IndonesiaHiro Tugiman1Directory Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia Kompartemen Akuntan Publik 1999-2000Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia1EDP Auditing, Conceptual Foundations and PractiseRon Weber2EDP Pengendalian & AuditingW. Thomas Porter5Electronic Spreadsheet App. For Intermediate.Gaylord N.
Smith2Electronic Spreadsheet Applications: For Acc.Gaylord N. Smith3Electronic Spreadsheet Applications: For Finacial AccGaylord Smith3Essentials of AccountingRobert N. Anthony46William A. Paton and Robert L.
Dixon1Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit OrganizationsJohn H.Engstrom and Paul A.Copley7Finance & Accounting for nonfinance.William G.Droms3Financial & Managerial AccountingCarl S. Warren, Ph.D57Jan R.Williams/Susan F.Haka/Mark S.Bettner/Robert11131516Financial AccountingClyde P. Stickney6George H. Sorter1Jack L. Smith1Jane L. Reimers1Michael A. Diamond3Michael H.
Marriott & J. Simon1Paul H. Walgenbach6Robert F. Meigs; Walter B.M; Mary A.M8Robert. Libby/Patricia A.
Libby34Roger H. Hermanson,James Don Edwards1W. Steve Albrecht8Walter T. Harrison, Jr; Charles T. Horngren37William W. Pyle41Leroy F.
Imdieke; Ralph E. Smith12Financial Accounting (Solutions manual to accompany)Robert K. Eskew/Daniel L. Jensen4Financial Accounting (Student Mastery Guide)Robert K. Eskew/Daniel L. Jensen1Financial Accounting A Global PerspectiveFaniel G.
Short/Robert Libby/PAtricia A. Libby5Financial Accounting and ReportingPatrick R.
Delaney1Financial Accounting CasesRobert E. Hoskin1Financial Accounting for Future Business LeadersCarl S.Warren/James M.Reeve1Financial Accounting Information for DecisionsJohn J. Wild31Robert W. Ingram5Financial Accounting StandardsCommerce Clearing House, Inc.1Financial Accounting TheoryCraig Deegan1Stephen A. Zeff3William R.
Scott2351Financial Accounting Theory and AnalysisRichard G. Schroeder8Financial Accounting Tools for Business Decision MakingPaul D. Kimmel PhD/Jerry J.
Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Kepegawaian
Weygant4Financial Reporting and AnalysisDavid A. Guenther1Lawrence Revsine,Daniel w.Collins3Financial Statement AnalysisCharles H.Gibson5Clyde P. Stickney2George Foster2John J. Subramanyam910John J.Wild,K.R.Subramanyan,Robert F.H8Financial Statement Analysis.Charles H.
Gibson4Fundamental Financial Accounting ConceptsThomas P.Edmonds/Frances M.McNair45Fundamental Managerial Accounting ConceptsThomas P. Edmonds123Fundamentals of financial accountingGlenn A. Welsch; Daniel G. Short456GAAP Guide 1988Martin A. Miller1GAAP Guide 1994Jan R. D., CPA1GAAP Guide 1995Jan R.
Williams1Gaap Guide 1997Jan R. Williams1GAAS Guide 1995Larry P. Bailey1Gaas Guide 1997Larry P. Bailey,Ph.D.,CPA1Gagasan Pengembangan Profesi dan Pendidikan Akuntansi di IndonesiaSuwardjono1Global Accounting PerspectiveJagdish Sheth1Green Accounting and Sustainable Development in IndonesiaArmida Salsiah Alisjahbana/Arief Anshory Yusuf1Handbook of Accounting and AuditingRobert S. Kay1Hospitality Management AccountingMichael M. Coltman, MBA.4IAS 2002 Interpretation and Application of International accounting StandardsBarry J.Epstein,Abbas Ali Mirza1IFRS and Indonesian GAAP A ComparisonDeloitte1Ihtisar Teori dan Soal Jawab Akuntansi BiayaDrs.
Mas'ud Macfoeds,MBA,Akt1Inflation AccountingW.T. Baxter1Information Technology & the New Acc.Graham Jones1Information Technology Auditing and AssuranceJames A.Hall2Integrated Accounting on MicrocomputerDale H.
Klooster, Ed.P3Interantional Accounting A User PerspectiveShahrokh M. Saudagaran1Intermediate AccountingA.N. John LArsen5Donald E. Keiso/Jerry J. WeygandtDonald E. Kieso, Ph.D, CPA; Jerry J. Zaki Baridwan367Dr.
Zaki Baridwan, M.Sc.,Ak; Drs. Irfan Nursasmito11Drs. Erwan Dukat.Akt1J.
Davis Spiceland3Jan R. Williams4Jay M. Smith, Skousen, Stice, Stice12K.
Fred Skousen; Earl K. Stice; James D. Stice1415Koren A.
Nikolai, John D. Bazley9Lanny G.
Chasteen346Intermediate Accounting (Akuntansi Lanjutan) 1Abdullah Shahab1Intermediate Accounting (Akuntansi Lanjutan) 2Abdullah Shahab2Intermediate Accounting IIBaruch Englard,M.S,M.B.A,CPA2Intermediate Accounting Vol.1Donald E. Kieso, Ph.D, CPA; Jerry J. Weygandt1Intermediate Accounting Vol.2Donald E. Kieso, Ph.D, CPA; Jerry J. Weygandt1Intermediate Accounting, Comprehensive.Jay M. Fred Skousen7891112Intermediate Accounting(soal&Permasalahan)Yogia Sembiring1Intermediate Price and Income TheoryM.M.
BOBER1Internal AuditingAndrew D. Chambers, BA., FCA.1Bambang Hartadi1International Acc & ReportingThomas G. Evans1International AccountingFrederick D.S.
Choi2345Shirin Rathore1Timothy Doupnik/Hector Perera231International Accounting & Multional EnterprisesLee H.Radebaugh/Sidney J.Gray5International Accounting A User PerspectiveShahrokh M. Saudagaran2International Accounting and Multinational EnterprisesLee H. Radebaugh & Sidney J. Gray4International Accounting Standards 1999IASC1International Business & Multinational EnterprisesStepfan H. Robock & Kenneth Simmonds41International Dimension of AccountingDia D. Alhashim2International Dimention of AccountingDhia D. Alhashim&Jeffrey S.Arpan3International Financial Reforting and AnalysisMark E.
Haskins/Ferris/Selling2International Financial Reforting Standards Part BIFRSJanInternational Financial Reporting Standards IFRS Part AIFRSJanInternational Symposium on Audit Research 28-29 June 2001CAAR1Introduction To AccountingPenne Ainsworth3Introduction to Financial AccountingCharles T. Horngren4679Kirkland A. Wolcox1Kumen H.
Jones; Price; Werner; Doran1Introduction to Nonprofit Organization.Emerson O. Henke3Issues In Financial AccountingScott Henderson, Graham Pierson7Issues in Multinational AccountingChristhoper Nobes1Issues in Public Sector AccountingAnthony Hopwood (e)1Just In Time AccountingSteven M. Bragg1Kelembagaan PerbankanDrs.
Thomas Suyatno23Keuangan Pertanian Dan Pembiayaan Perusahaan AgribisnisHalimah W. Kadarsan1Latihan Sistem Akuntansi PraktikaDrs. Mohammad Edris Ak.1Latihan-latihan AkuntansiDrs. Supardi Sugandakusumah, Ak1Making Accounting DecisionGeorge J. Staubud1Manajemen Internal AuditHiro Tugiman1Manual on Audit Working PapersGloria B. Mangoba, Ofelia A.
Urrutia1Masalah Akuntansi Buku 1Prof. Hadibroto1Memahami Tipu Daya Keuangan Melalui Trik-Trik AkuntansiIlya Avianti1Menyibak Akuntansi SyariahAji Dedi Mulawarman1Mergers and AcquisitionsJoseph M.
Morris1Microcomputer Accounting & Business.John Page1Mini Ensiklopedia Organisasi AkuntansiDrs. Fauzi1Modern Advanced AccountingE. John Larsen DBA, C.P.A4689Walter B. John Larsen2Modern AuditingWalter G.
Kell4Modern Auditing Jilid 1William C. Boynton/Walter G. Kell67Modern Auditing Jilid 2William C.Boynton,Raymond N.Johnson,Walter G.Kell7Modern Internal AuditingVictor Z. Brink4Montgomery's AuditingPhilip L. Defliese10Norma Pemeriksaan AkuntanIkatan Akuntan Indonesia1Operational Review Maximum Results At Efficient CostsRob Reider3Organisasi dan Akuntansi SyariahDr. Iwan Triyuwono1Otonomi & Manajemen Keuangan DaerahProf.Dr.Mardiasmo,MBA,Ak2Pandangan Baru Internal AuditingGil Courtemanche1Panduan Dasar Untuk Account OfficerJopie Jusup1Payroll AccountingBernard J. Bieg, CPA.1Pedoman Pemakaian Auto LispMufid Djoko Purwanto1Pedoman Praktis Memahami Laporan KeuanganDrs.Darsono,MBA.,Akt dan Ashari,SE,Akt1Pemeriksaan AkuntanMulyadi4Pemeriksaan Akuntan (auditing)Drs.R.A.
Supriyono,SU.Akuntan1Pemeriksaan InternLawrence B. Sawyer1Pemeriksaan Kecurangan (Fraud Auditing)Drs. Amin Widjaja Tunggal, Ak, MBA.1Pengantar Akuntansi Buku 1Jerry J. Weygandt/Donald E. Kieso7Warren/Reeve/Fess21Pengantar Akuntansi Buku 2Warren/Reeve/Fess21Pengantar Akuntansi Keuangan 1 (PA-1)Kusnadi, HMA., H.
Drs, MSi1Pengantar Akuntansi Keuangan 1 (PA-1), Soal & JawabKusnandi. HMA, Drs., MSi; Liza L. Nurwulan, SE,MSi1Pengantar Akuntansi Keuangan Jilid 2Charles T. Horngren6Pengantar Akuntansi PemerintahanDrs. Kustadi Arinta, Ak1Pengantar Akuntansi Syari'ahDRS. Muhammad,M.Ag12Pengantar Audit Sistem InformasiHiro Tugiman1Pengantar Manajemen KeuanganDrs. Marihot Manulang,Daerlina Sinaga1Pengantar Praktis Penggunaan AUTOCADIR.YAP WIE1Pengenalan Internal AuditHiro Tugiman1Pengenalan Manajemen Internal AuditHiro Tugiman1Pengenalan Manajemen Internal Audit dan Komite AuditHiro Tugiman1Pengendalian BiayaYogia Sembiring/Drs.
Rivai Wirasasmita, MS1Penyusunan & Analisis Laporan Keuangan Pemerintahan DaerahGede Edy Prasetya,SE,MM.1Perkembangan Dan Tantangan Internal Auditing Di IndonesiaHiro Tugiman1Perspectives in AuditingD.R. Carmichael4Perspektif,Metodologi, dan Teori Akuntansi SyariahIwan Triyuwono1Pilihan Bacaan untuk Sistim Akuntansi LanjutanTheodorus M. Tuanakota1Pokok-Pokok Audit InternalDrs.Amin Widjaja Tunggal,Ak.MBA1Policies And Procedures Manual For Accounting & Financial ControlDouglas W.Kurz/Dawn K.Rhodes1Positive Accounting TheoryRoss L.
Watts1Praktikum Audit Buku 1Sukrisno Agoes,Estralita Trisnawati1Praktikum Audit Buku 2Sukrisno Agoes,Estralita Trisnawati1Principles of AccountingJohn G. Helmkamp3Loren A. Nikolai3Needles5Reeve.Warren,Duchac23Principles of accounting introductoryH.A Finney, Ph.B., C.P.A5Principles of AuditingLeslie R. Howard, FCA., FHKSA.1Walter E. Meigs9Prinsif Akuntansi IndonesiaIAI1Prinsif-prinsif Akuntansi Jilid IC. Rollin Niswonger1416Prinsip Akuntansi Indonesia 1984Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI)1Prinsip-Prinsip AkuntansiC.
Rollin Niswonger16Prinsip-prinsip Akuntansi Jilid 1Niswonger; Warren; Reeve; Fess1914Prinsip-prinsip Akuntansi Jilid 2C. Rollin Niswonger16Prinsip-Prinsip Akuntansi TELKOMHiro Tugiman1Profesi Akuntan Indonesia Menuju Milenium BaruIkatan Akuntan Indonesia1Profesional Acc Practice ManagementJoseph T. Kastantin1Profitability AccountingRobert Beyer & Donald J.
Trawicki2Public Sector Acc & Financial ControlDouglas Henley3Public Sector AccountingRowan Jones & Maurice Pendlebury4Public Sector AuditingSir John Bourn1Public Sector Auditing.P.C Jones BSc ( Econ ), IPFA, MIIA1Public Sector Auditing.P.C. Jones BSc (Econ), IPFA., MIIA.1Reading & Problems in Accounting Inf. SystemsL Murphy Smith, D.B. A., CPA.1Reading in AuditingJames T.
D., CPA1Readings in Cost Accounting,William E. Thomas, Jr, Ph.D7Riset AkuntansiDrs.Husein Umar, SE,MM., MBA1Risk and System s-Based Internal AuditRobert Tampubolon1Sawyer's Internal AuditingLawrence B. Sawyer, JD, CIA, PA1Setengah Abad Profesi AkuntansiTheodorus M.Tuanakotta4Sistem AkuntansiDr.
Zaki Baridwan, M.Sc, ak4Mulyadi23R. Soemita Adikusumah, Drs. Ak.1Revrisond Baswir,Gudono1Sistem Akuntansi dan Imformasi Jilid IJoseph W. Wilkison2Sistem Akuntansi dan Informasi Jilid IJoseph W. Wilkinson/Marianus Sinaga23Sistem Akuntansi Penyusunan Prosedur MetodeDr. Zaki Baridwan, M.Sc, ak235Sistem Akuntansi sektor Publik Buku 1Indra Bastian,Ph.D.,MBA.,Ak1Sistem Akuntansi Sektor Publik Buku 2Indra Bastian,Ph.D.M.B.A,Akt1Sistem Akunting dan Informasi Jilid IIJoseph w.Wilkinson3Sistem Akunting dan Informasi Jilid IIIJoseph w.Wilkinson3Sistem Informasi AkuntansiBarry E. Amin Widjaja Tunggal.Ak,MBA1Drs.
La Midjan, MS., Ak.4George H. Bodnar9Joseph W. Wilkinson3Nugroho Widjajato1Prof.Dr.Azhar Susanto,SE.Ak.M.Buss1Tata Sutabri,S.Kom.,MM1Sistem Informasi Akuntansi (Buku 1)George H. Bodnar and William S.
Hopwood61Sistem Informasi Akuntansi (Buku 2)George H. Bodnar and William S. Hopwood6Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Buku 1Marshall B.
Romney/PAul John Stenbart9Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Buku 2James A.Hall1Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Buku IJames A.Hall3Sistem Informasi Akuntansi IDr. La Midjan M.S.Ak & Prof.Dr.Azhar Susanto,SE,Ak789Sistem Informasi Akuntansi IIDr. La Midjan, MS., Ak.
& Azahar Susanto, SE.Ak5Prof.Dr.Azhar Susanto,SE.Ak.M.Buss & Dr.La Midjan8Sistem Informasi Akuntansi IIIDr. MS, Ak5Sistem-Sistem AkuntansiR. Soemita Adikoesoema1Sistem-Sistem Akunting (Accounting Systems) 2R. Soemita Ak.2Soal Jawab Teori AkuntansiEdy Sukarmanto1Spreadsheet Applications in Financial AcAngelo E. DiAntonio1Standar Akuntansi PemerintahanIKAPI1Standar Profesi Audit InternalKonsersium Organisasi Profesi Audit Internal1Standar Profesional Akuntan PublikIkatan Akuntansi Indonesia11Standar Profesional Akuntan Publik (Per 1 Januari 2001)Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia1Standar Profesional Internal AuditHiro Tugiman1Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts No. 1P3A Depdikbud1Statistical Analysis in Accounting and FinanceJohn P.
Dickinson1Statistical AuditingAndrew D. Bailey, Jr1Study Guide for use with Financial Accounting Information for DecisionsJohn J. Wild1Study Guide for Use With Intro. To Financial Acc.Galen D.
Hadley2Study guide Theory and ProblemsGabriel Hawawini and Paul D.Warner8Suplement Akunting BiayaDrs. Prayitno Djojopawiro1Systems Direct Auditing Practice CaseDieter H. Weiss, Ph.D., CPA.2Tantangan dan Prospek Profesi Internal Auditor di IndonesiaHiro Tugiman1Tanya-Jawab Praktik AuditingProf.Dr.H.R.Arifin Wirakusumah,MA.Sc.,Ak1Teori AkuntansiDrs. HMA,MSi; Syamsuddi; Kertahadi1Goedono1Kusnadi; Lukman Syamsuddin; Kertahadi1Sofyan Syafri Harahap, SE, MSAc1Teori Akuntansi Buku 1Ahmed Riahi Belkaoui15Theodorus M.
Tuanakotta1Teori Akuntansi Buku 2Ahmed Riahi Belkaoui1Theodorus M. Tuanakotta1Teori Akuntansi Buku DuaAhmed Riahi Belkaoui5Teori Akuntansi jilid 2Eldon S. Hendriksen45Teori Akuntansi Jilid IEldon S. Hendriksen45Teori Akuntansi Suatu PengantarDr. Winwin Yadiati,SE.,MSi.,Ak1Teori Dasar Akuntansi SyariahDrs. Hasbi Ramli,SE,MM,MBA1The Accounting SamplerThomas J. Burns1The Analysis And Use of Financial StatementsGerald I.
White,Ashwinpaul C.Sondhi23The Audit Process; Principles.Iain Gray1The Botton LineGrace W. Weinstein1The Concise Guide to AuditingRoy Dodge1The Handbook of Credit & acc.Rosie L. Bukics1The New Environment in International AccAhmed Belkaoui1The New Internal AuditingGil Courtemanche1The Philosophy of AuditingR.K. Mautz and Hussein A.
Sharaf171Theory of the Measurement of.Robert R. Sterling1Theory of ValueGerard Debreu1Toward a Science of AccountingRobert R.
Sterling1Tuntutan Perubahan Paradigma Auditor Intrenal dan persepsi Pimpinan OrganisasiHiro TugimanAprUndang-Undang Perbankan & Undang-Undang Lembaga Penjamin SimpananRedaksi Penerbit Asa Mandiri1Understanding Financial StatementsLyn M. Fraser489Valuation Measuring and Managing the Value of CompaniesTim Koller/Marc Goedhart/David Wessels4Wiley IFRS 2007 Interpretation and Application of International Financial Reporting StandarsBarry J. Epstein/Eva K. Jermakowicz1Introductory Accounting: Principles &.Ronald J.
Maxwell2Accounting; A Management PrespectiveLyman A. Keith2Accounting for Management:Ricard M. Lynch3Accounting: The Lighter SideEdward N. Coffman6GAAP; Interpretation ApplicationPatrick P. Delaney, Ph.D., CPA1Accounting: Advanced CourseRobert M. Swanson4Accounting: Systems And ProceduresDavid H.
Weaver,Ph.D.5The Entrepreneur's Guide:Basil P. Mavrovitis1Cost Accounting: Managerial Use of Ac.Emerson E. Henke1Cost Acc; Accumulations, Analysis, &.Maurice L. Hirsch, Jr.2Cost Accounting: Planning and ControlAdolf Matz,Phd and Milton F.
Usry,Phd.CPA7Cost Accounting: Palnning And ControlUsry/Hammer/Matz9Auditing (Petunjuk Pembuatan Kertas Kerja Pemeriksaan):JawabanDr.Sukrisno AgoesmSE.,Ak.,MM1Auditing (Petunjuk Pembuatan Kertas Kerja Pemeriksaan):SoalDr.Sukrisno Agoes,SE.,Ak.,MM1Auditing: Suatu Pendekatan Terpadu Jilid 1Alvin A. Arens/James K. Loebbecke3134Auditing: Suatu Pendekatan Terpadu Jilid 2Alvin A.
Arens/James K. Loebbecke334Audit Sampling; teori dan aplikasiAnies S. Basalamah1Auditing: Wiley CPA Examination Review 1997Patrick R. Delaney,Phd,CPA1Auditing: Wiley CPA Examination Review 1999Patrick R. Delaney1Auditing: Wiley CPA Examination Review 2000Patrick R. Delaney1Auditing; suatu pedoman pemeriksaan Akuntansi.Drs. Bambang Hartadi, Ak.1Auditing: Principles and PracticeFC de Paula & Frank A.
Attwood16Auditing: A Systems ApproachRichard Scott1Auditing Principles; A Systems-Based.Howard F. Stettler5EDP: Controls and AuditingW.
Thomas Porter5Internal Auditing: Principles and TechniquesRatliff/Wallace/Loebbecke/McFalrland21Akuntansi Sektor Publik: (Suatu Pengantar)Indra Bastian1Govermental & Nonprofit Acc.Robert J. Freeman39Accounting: First-Year CourseRobert M. Swanson4Accounting: The basis for business decisionsRobert F. Meigs89Accountancy: Questions & KeyWilliam Pickles & James L.
Lafferty4Adult educationDasar-Dasar Organisasi AdministrasiR. Soemita Adikoesoemah1Organisasi Dan AdministrasiDr. Suharsimi Arikunto1Advertising & public relationsAdvertisingRoderick White3Advertising and Promotion An Integratde Marketing Communications PerspectiveGeorge E. Belch & Michael A. Belch568Advertising Communications & Promotion ManagementJohn R. Rossiter and Larry Percy2Advertising ExcellenceCourtland L. Bovee; John V.
Thill; Dovel; Wood1Advertising Taht SellsDyah Hasto Palupi/Teguh Sri Pambudi1Associate Business Promotion CoordinatorNational Learning Corporation1Budaya Massa Dan Pergeseran MasyarakatVeven Sp. Wardhana1Cases In Advertising And Communications ManagementStephen A.
Greyser3Cases in Electronic CommerceSid.L.Huff,Michael Wade1Claiming Your VictoiesLinda Stevens Hjorth1Computer - Base Infor sys a Man ApproachDonald W. Kroeber2Computer-Based Information System.Donald W. Kroeber2Contemporary AclvertisingWilliam F.Arens6Corporate Information Committee Report, 1993-94AIMR1Corporate Information Strategy and ManagementLynda M. Applegate/Robert D.
.Eileen Heriyanni2014-12-01Full Text Available If there is a stack in a service center, then the customers need to form a queue. There are increasing number of consultations in a specific time at Student Advisory Center (SAC Bina Nusantara University. The increased needs for consultation lead to high waiting time that must be passed by the students who need the service.
Therefore an information system queue is required to replace the current manual queue process. This study aims to create an automation using six stages FAST Methodology which includes Scope Definition, Problem Analysis, Requirement Analysis, Logical Design, Decision Analysis, Physical Design and Integration. The results of this research is the design of the application queue screen can be applied to SAC Bina Nusantara University.Sahureka, Nelma Ariestien2015-01-01The objective of this research is to understand comprehensively the effect of delegation and job satisfaction toward productivity of the employee in the STIkes Bina Putera Banjar, West Java.
The research used a survey method with path analysis applied in testing hyphotesis. It was conducted to 105 employees as the respondents which were selected in a simple random way. The data analysis and interpretation reveals that (1) delegation has direct positive influence toward productivit.Sahureka, Nelma Ariestien2015-01-01The objective of this research is to understand comprehensively the effect of delegation and job satisfaction toward productivity of the employee in the STIkes Bina Putera Banjar, West Java.
The research used a survey method with path analysis applied in testing hyphotesis. It was conducted to 105 employees as the respondents which were selected in a simple random way. The data analysis and interpretation reveals that (1) delegation has direct positive influence toward productivit.Irvianti, Laksmi Sito Dwi; Poetri, Rizki Utami2012-01-01PT Bina Busana Internusa is a company engaged in garment, established since 1989, and has been widely recognized as one of the leading garment industry in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is influence between working motivation and training on employee productivity partially and simultaneously. The method of analysis used in this study is the Pearson correlation, simple and multiple regressions.
Data are obtained from the distribution of questionnaires to 92.Ningsih, Dewita Suryati; Hendriani, Susi; Manalu, Eka Lestari2015-01-01The study to analyze the influence of Work Environment and communication on employee Job Satisfaction of medics. The population of this study was a;; medis of Bina Kasih Hospital ekanbaru. The result of this indicate that the Work Environment has a significant effect on the job satisfactionof medics. Communication has a significant effect on the job satisfaction of medics.
Work environment and communication positive effect on the job satisfactionof medics.Keywords: Work Environment, Communi.Ilyatun Niswah2014-11-01Full Text Available ABSTRACTThe objective of this study was to examine the association between breakfast habits, nutritional status, and health related quality of life of adolescents in Bosowa Bina Insani Junior High School Bogor. A cross sectional study was conducted and simple random sampling was used to determine the subjects. Subjects were 60 adolescent students of Bosowa Bina Insani Junior High School Bogor aged 13—15 years old. The study found there was no significant difference in nutritional status between breakfast skippers and breakfast eaters (p0.05. However, regular breakfast eaters were more likely to have lower body weight (r=-0.160, p=0.222. There was no significant difference of health related quality of life based on nutritional status (p0.05.
Breakfast eaters tended to have better quality of life than breakfast skippers even though there was no significant difference between them (p0.05.Keywords: adolescents, breakfast habits, food consumption, health related quality of life, nutritionalstatusABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji hubungan kebiasaan sarapan, status gizi, dan kualitas hidup pada remaja SMP Bosowa Bina Insani Bogor. Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional dengan penarikan subjek secara simple random sampling. Subjek berjumlah 60 remaja berusia 13—15 tahun yang merupakan siswa-siswi SMP Bosowa Bina Insani Bogor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan status gizi berdasarkan kebiasaan sarapan (p0.05 namun terdapat kecenderungan semakin sering konsumsi sarapan, berat badan semakin menurun (r=-0.160, p=0.222.
Tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan kualitas hidup berdasarkan status gizi (p0.05. Kualitas hidup pada kelompok yang biasa sarapan cenderung lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok yang tidak biasa sarapan, namun tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan secara statistik (p0.05.Kata kunci: kebiasaan sarapan, konsumsi pangan, kualitas hidup, remaja, status gizi.Amia Luthfia2013-10-01Full Text Available University is an important institution that would form the nation culture and responsible for the culture transmission. The assessment of a good organizational culture is an important part in the study of organizational culture. The research objective is to analyze organizational culture of Bina Nusantara University comprehensively, the strengths and weaknesses of its effort to become “The World Class University'. The research methodology is qualitative with method combination of FGD, in-depth interviews and covert observation. The research outcome shows that Bina Nusantara University has had elements of modern organization characteristic such as innovative management (centralized non-academic function and decentralize academic function; transparent and results-oriented management system with clear and measurable target; detail operational procedure.
It has been able to create healthy working environment that supports high integrity, working ethics, dedication, loyalty, opened communication and high sense of belonging. It utilizes information and communications technology through a comprehensive and integrated system called Binusmaya as its ikon and identity.As an educational institution, Bina Nusantara University should develop 3 other elements which are role model, spirit and character building.
Former rector (the founder was an inspired role model that provided a profound influence to the attitudes and behaviors of its members.Nunu Mahmud Firdaus2018-01-01pelatihan tersebut. Dari hasil analisis di lapangan, diketahui bahwa hasil pelatihan yang dilakukan oleh PKBM Bina Terampil Mandiri dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara bahasa Inggris tourists guide dan rasa percaya diri mereka. Dengan demikian para tourists guide mampu menjelaskan tempat yang dikunjungi dengan lancar sehingga para wisatawan lokal dan mancanegara semakin banyak yang tertarik untuk berkunjung ketempat wisata di Indonesia khususnya di Kabupaten Bandung Barat dan dapat memperbaiki perekonomian para tourist guide. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa PKBM Bina Terampil Mandiri berhasil meningkatkan keteramplan berbicara bahasa Inggris pemandu wisata. Sehingga dapat membuat mereka lebih percaya diri dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Rekomendasi ditujukan terutama kepada Instansi terkait pemegang kebijakan Program PLS, hendaklah lebih memperhatikan lembaga-lembaga pelatihan ini, karena terbukti memberikan dampak manfaat bagi masyarakat, terutama berhubungan dengan peningkatan ekonomi.Firman Arifin2010-12-01Full Text Available The objective of this paper is to analyse portofolio application and information technology that is used today in Asset Management Department of Bina Nusantara so it could be made a strategic planning information system that could accommodate business needs.
The discussion is focused to a strategic analysis that is applied today and its improvement in the future including information technology structure. The conclusion from this paper is along with a good information technology strategic planning, expected work effectivity and efficiency could be reached.Laksmi Sito Dwi Irvianti2012-11-01Full Text Available PT Bina Busana Internusa is a company engaged in garment, established since 1989, and has been widely recognized as one of the leading garment industry in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is influence between working motivation and training on employee productivity partially and simultaneously. The method of analysis used in this study is the Pearson correlation, simple and multiple regressions. Data are obtained from the distribution of questionnaires to 92 production employees as respondents, and interviews with respondents and with the HRD PT Bina Busana Internusa as well.
The questionnaire uses Likert scale which was to know the degree of disagreement and agreement from the employee to the statement on the questionnaire. The results in this study stated that motivation and training simultaneously have a significant impact on employee productivity. Working motivation has a relationship and partially affects employee productivity.
So is the training has a relationship and partially affects employee productivity. Therefore, the expected results of this research may provide inputs for firms and employees in particular to increase the productivity.Rida Zuraida2013-12-01Full Text Available Entrepreneurship developed among BINUS University students is in line with university mission, which is to produce 1 entrepreneur out of 3 graduates. This study aims to find out entrepreneurial behavior among students in BINUS University. The information can be use by University to develop appropriate entrepreneur program based on their behavior. This study takes samples from four departments: Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering, Architecture, and Mathematics-Statistics. The questionnaire is used as behavioral measurementtools and distributed to active -students in forth department. The result is processed using SPSS software.
Based on the results of the questionnaire, there is no significant difference among students of the four departments inacceptance of entrepreneurial activities. Students assume that entrepreneurship is positive things to do which is supported by family, friends, and the University.
There is a positive correlation between the desire to start entrepreneurship with the family support (r =.454 and with usage of e-media and e-social networking by students (r =.336. Students also prefer food and beverage, fashion, computer and its accessories, gadgets, education as area of business. The main obstacle in starting entrepreneurial activities is availability of both capital and time. Therefore, the support of BINUS is needed related to capital management, understanding of what it is capital and how to start an entrepreneurship, knowledge concerning the entrepreneurship management. University should help students about how to manage their time between managing the businessand their activities as students.Suryadiputra Liawatimena2008-05-01Full Text Available Article clarified a source of learning and research on the design of Automatic Parking System. That was implementedat Syahdan Campus, Bina Nusantara University.
The research methods done were library. Literature study was done bystudying and looking for articles about matters related and laboratory research method the development of existing parkinglots. Meanwhile, the laboratory study was done by creating algorithm designs will be used to detect the parking lot, designingof physical design, and simulation system which will be created. This system used sensors to detect whether there were the carsor not. Then it will be sent via RS-485 for the farthest distance. The results of sensor reading will be displayed on PC. It canbe concluded that by using this system, the park users will be more efficient and flexible in the service.Keywords: automatic parking system, sensor, RS-485, campus topology.Eleonora Francisca Maria Sumual2011-04-01Full Text Available Fiedler has theory which is called “contingency model”.
According to him, if an organization attempts to achieve group effectiveness through leadership, then there is a need to assess the leader according to an underlying trait, assess the situation faced by the leader, and construct a proper match between the two. With Fiedler model, researchers were doing assessment to one of the student organization in Bina Nusantara University, which is BNCC 22nd student committee. The result of the research is that student organization in this case two committees from BNCC show two different results. The first one does not fit with Fiedler model, which is the “people oriented” leader can make an effective leadership, and the second one with “people oriented” leader seems not effective to lead the committee with more old member of the organization.Singh, V B; Joshi, V C1980-01-01Clay samples exposed over Baraker and Raniganj coal seams of Lower Gondwana System in Bina and Jhingurdah mines respectively are studied. The chemical and rational analyses of the samples indicate that range of variation of the different constituents. Infra-red, X-ray diffraction, differential thermal analysis and thermal gravimetric analysis were used to determine clay and other minerals. The deposits may be suitable for manufacture of triaxial wares, e.g.
Ordinary porcelain sanitary ware, stoneware, etc.Juliastuti Juliastuti2011-12-01Full Text Available Changes in land use due to the rapid growth of building construction leads to an increase in direct runoff, as well as declining water that seeped into the ground. Consequently, water distribution happens to be unequal of between the rainy and dry seasons. This phenomenon also occurs in the area of Kijang Campus - Bina Nusantara University which always comes up with puddles even though the rain falls with only a short duration. In this research the rainfall on the Kijang Campus - Bina Nusantara University is assessed based on the rainfall data record to obtain the rainfall intensity of various periods.
Field survey is conducted to determine the existing infiltration capacity (with / without bio pore holes and on-site. It is concluded based on the research results using Horton method that the soil on the Kijang Campus - Bina Nusantara University is earth embankment that has the infiltration capacity ranging between 0.0867 - 0.2165 m3/hr. This illustrates that the soil infiltration capacity is relatively small and thus requires the installation of bio pore holes with distance by 0.5 meters.Albert Suryajaya2014-01-01Full Text Available Thermal comfort is one of the important aspects to ensure the comfort of a building. School building, e.g.
Sekolah Bina Mulia, Pontianak is used for education activities for about eight hours a day. The teachersfourth floor and still applies the natural air ventilation system while other rooms use mechanical ventilation system. It is interesting to see thermal comfort condition in the ort of the room depends on the environment. Because of its position on the fourth floor, the wind circulation can flow freely and the application of air ventilation is possible. The average temperature is 29.599ºC, 71.216% for relative humidity and 0.143 m/s for wind speed, and 29.482ºC for MRT. The average value of PMV is 1.615. The thermal comfort value, based on the average of PPS.(PMV calculation for three days observation is 0.130 and it is the neutral condition.
This means the room is comfort for the users and it is mainly because of the windows, sun shading, and the building materials which support the natural air ventilation of the school Kenyamanan termal merupakan salah satu aspek penting untuk memastikan suatu bangunan dapat memberikan kenyamanan bagi penggunanya. Bangunan sekolah, seperti Sekolah Bina Mulia Pontianak merupakan bangunan pendidikan yang digunakan kurang lebih delapan jam dalam satu hari.
Ruang guru pada sekolah Bina Mulia, yang terletak pada lantai empat masih menggunakan sistem ventilasi udara alami sementara ruangan lain menggunakan sistem penghawaan mekanikal. Kenyamanan termal pada ruangan tentu sangat tergantung pada Keadaan lingkungan. Karena posisinya yang cukup tinggi, pergerakan udara pada ruangan juga lebih bebas. Artinya, aplikasi ventilasi udara alami sangat memungkinkan. Nilai temperatur udara rata-rata pada ruangan adalah 29,599 ºC, kelembaban 71,216%, kecepatan udara 0,143 m/det dan nilai temperatur radiasi 29,482ºC. Nilai PMV rata-rata pada ruangan adalah 1,615. Nilai PPS.(PMV rata-rata pada ruangan.Rizky Ardhiarini2016-05-01Full Text Available The enhancement of connectivity between the main corridors of the economy in South Sumatera, as a purpose of the Strategic Plan of Directorate General Bina Marga and also an objective of MP3EI, Master Plan for Acceleration and expansion of Indonesia's Economic Development which is an ambitious plan by the Indonesian government to accelerate the realization of becoming a developed country would be able to achieve on the requirement of good condition on performance and pavement.
In order to support the optimal condition of the road, the identification of road management was conducted to determine the necessity of road maintenance based on technical conditions and importance level of development of the road traversed. The management program proposed is expected to be used as a baseline in determining the maintenance of the road network in South Sumatera from 2015 until 2019. This research used Multi-criteria Analysis (MCA method, which consists of: (1 road network performance, covering width of roadways, traffic flow, V/C ratio, travel speed and travel time of the vehicle, and (2 pavement condition, with IRI, SDI, and the proportion of good pavement condition as a parameter.
Multi-criteria analysis used combined road condition assessment score and importance level of development of the area traversed. This analysis was conducted from 2015 until 2019. The research concluded that maintenance necessity in 2015 were dominated by routine maintenance (95.86% of the total length, then in 2016 until 2019 the needs were dominated by routine maintenance (near 100% of the total length. As the maintenance applied, a vast amount of total road length fulfilled as an achievement target.
The results are follows: (a 100% with width of roadways ≥ 7 meter, (b 97.83% with V/C ratio 60km/hour, (d 17.32% with travel time (TT 95%, (f 90.37% with IRI.Suwondo, Darmadi, Yunus, Mohd.2017-11-01Green campus program (GCP) is a policy to optimize the role of the University of Riau in implementing sustainable development. Green campus development is done by integrating Malay culture and conservation in every implementation of the program. We identify the biophysical, economic and socio-cultural characteristics as well as the problems encountered in the campus environment. This study uses desk study, survey, and focus group discussion (FGD).
GCP analysis is divided into several stages, namely assess problem, design, implementation, monitor, evaluate and adjust. Bina Widya Campus of Universitas Riau has a good biodiversity of flora and fauna with species characteristics in lowland tropical forest ecosystems. Plant species of the Dipterocarpaceae family are the dominant species, whereas fauna is from reptile, leaves, and mammals. Efforts to maintain and enhance species diversity are undertaken by designing and constructing Arboretum and Ecoedupark for the ex situ conservation of flora and fauna. The enrichment of species is carried out by planting vegetation types that are closely related to Malay culture. On the other hand, the management of the green campus faces challenges in the diverse perceptions of stakeholders with low levels of academic participation. Economically the existence of the campus provides a multiplier effect on the emergence of various economic activities of the community around the campus.
Implementation of green university campus of Riau University by integrating Melayu culture and conservation contributes to the creation of green open space which is increasingly widespread and able to support sustainable development, especially in Pekanbaru City.Sucianty Dyah Astuti2008 to 2015 as a result of the evaluation of the program conducted by KemKominfo, namely: (i the change in INSAN name since 2003 into INCAKAP, (ii the change of INSAN logo, (iii the change of INSAN mascot. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi internet dan penggunaannya dalam kehidupan dan pergaulan, internet telah menjadi sebuah gaya hidup (life style di masyarakat. Tingginya jumlah pengguna internet di Indonesia memunculkan berbagai dampak di masyarakat baik positif maupun negatif. Untuk membuat pemahaman di masyarakat terhadap penggunaan internet pemerintah melalui Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia membuat suatu program, yaitu Internet Sehat dan Aman dengan tujuan untuk mensosialisasikan penggunaan internet secara sehat dan aman melalui pembelajaran etika berinternet sehat dengan melibatkan seluruh komponen masyarakat. Penelitian ini mengambil fokus pada evaluasi program internet sehat dan aman yang dilakukan Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia tahun 2015. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah melihat strategi komunikasi dan pencapaian tujuan dari program internet sehat dan aman yang dilakukan KemKominfo.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan riset studi kasus deskriptif. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara dan studi pustaka, sedangkan informan pada penelitian ini adalah staf KemKominfo pada bagaian Direktorat Jenderal Aplikasi Infomatika sub direktotar pemberdayaan informatika sebanyak tiga orang. Dari seluruh rangkaian proses penelitian diperoleh hasil yang menunjukkan bahwa: (1 Pencapaian Program Internet Sehat dan Aman hingga tahun 2015 telah mencapai target namum belum 100%. (2 Dalam pelaksanaan program INSAN terdapat beberapa hambatan yang dihadapi KemKominfo, yaitu: (i Keterbatasan Anggaran Pemberian dan Belanja Negara (APBN, (ii keterbatasan daya jangkau akibat letak geografis indonesia yang merupakan negara kepulauan.(3 perlu dilakukan evaluasi menganai penggunaan media online dalam startegi komunikasi.Retno Dewanti2007-09-01Full Text Available This Research of Binus University brand equity have been conducted by using 5 elements of brand equity: brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, brand loyalty, and market behavior. The research methodologies was descriptive, its explained perception of 3th level high school students from 10 privates as well public high schools in west Jakarta and east Jakarta.
The result of this research was Binus university brand awareness was in top of mind level. There were 3 (three associations of brand image of Binus, were IT up to date; complete and modern facilities; prestigious university which had high quality and innovative. Perceived quality element showed student’s expectations of university quality were overall most important. Brand loyalty element showed as reverse pyramid, that’s good loyalty for Binus University. Indicator of market behavior element showed 6,44% market share estimation.Dewanti, Retno; Masruroh, Masruroh; B., Doni2007-01-01This Research of Binus University brand equity have been conducted by using 5 elements of brand equity: brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, brand loyalty, and market behavior. The research methodologies was descriptive, its explained perception of 3th level high school students from 10 privates as well public high schools in west Jakarta and east Jakarta. The result of this research was Binus university brand awareness was in top of mind level.
There were 3 (three) associat.Falahah, Falahah2006-01-01Tatakelola Teknologi Informasi (TI) merupakan salah satu aspek penting dari tatakelola Perusahaan secara keseluruhan. Pengelolaan TI yang baik akan menjamin efisiensi dan pencapaian kualitas layanan yang baik bagi tujuan bisnis Perusahaan. Penerapan tata kelola ini harus direncanakan dengan baik agar dapat diimplementasikan sesuai dengan kondisi dan kemampuan Perusahaan.Salah satu kerangka kerja tatakelola TI adalah CobiT. Dalam dokumentasi resminya CobiT juga disertai dengan serangkaian pedo.Kusuma, Hendra; Anitasari, Merri2014-01-01Hendra Kusuma, Merri Anitasari; Purpose of this study was to determine the intelligence directorate office services at the regional police security Bengkulu. Method data collecting the used is questionnaire. Analysis method the used is Index Satisfaction of Society.
Pursuant to result of data analysis and research about service analysis at intelligence directorate office services at the regional police security Bengkulu, hence can be pulled an conclusion that average value per highest service.Mahenda Metta Surya2014-12-01Full Text Available Rapid growth of information technology development as well as increasing level of competition make every company need to establish an information system to support its business process. Research & Technology Transfer Directorate of Binus University is aware of this matter and makes a goal to improve the existing business process and develop a web-based information system that is able to support the existing business process to be more effective and efficient. This study aims to conduct an analysis and a design of information system for Research & Technology Transfer Directorate Binus University that can enhance the existing business process. Research used two methods, firstly data gathering done by conducting field studies and literature reviews, secondly the analysis and design of the system with object-oriented method. The result achieved from this research is a web-based information system that can support Research & Technology Transfer Directorate business process. The conclusion of this research is a new integrated web-based information system that can support and enhance current business process by connecting all parts of the system with the result to make all process more effective and efficient.Muhammad Luhung Pribadi2016-12-01Full Text Available This research aims to study the effect of organizational culture toward employee work discipline at Directorate Production PT Krakatau Steel (Persero Tbk Cilegon.
The subjects of this research are 115 employees from several divisions at Directorate Production of PT Krakatau Steel (Persero Tbk Cilegon. The data were collected through cluster sampling technique.
Instrument used are organizational culture scale, and work discipline scale. Data were analized using correlational test regression analysis technique. The result show that there is significant correlation of organizational culture for employee work discipline at Directorate Production PT Krakatau Steel (Persero Tbk Cilegon. It is shown by correlation coefficient of regression analysis as R=0,534, with effective contribution R square (R2= 0,285 or 28,5%, and significance level p = 0,000. Thus, it proves the hypothesis in this research is accepted.Chitil, Olaf2009-01-01Functional programming is a programming paradigm like object-oriented programming and logic programming. Functional programming comprises both a specific programming style and a class of programming languages that encourage and support this programming style. Functional programming enables the programmer to describe an algorithm on a high-level, in terms of the problem domain, without having to deal with machine-related details.
A program is constructed from functions that only map inputs to.Kaniati, Rina2013-01-01The fact that there are many children and youths dropping out of school in Indonesia cannot be denied. The number of dropouts in elementary schools, junior, and senior high schools, and combined with those abandoning school before finishing their higher education program each year remains high.
To mitigate this situation, there has been an.Sitindaon, Roslenni S2016-01-01This study aims to determine Revenue growth in North Sumatra and analyze the effect of macroeconomic variables on Tax Revenue in North Sumatra to the determination of the tax revenue target of the plan requires a plan reasonable and objective. The method of analysis used was path analysis with SPSS version 19. Using secondary data time series. The research data is from 1984 s.d. By 2010, that the data of Revenue, Taxpayer Number, Inflation, Interest Rate Investment, Wage Rates, Investment, Ne.Ester Manik2015-04-01Full Text Available The research objective was to determine the function of leadership, competence, and organizational culture on employee performance. Descriptive research methods of verification with data analysis techniques using Path Analysis.
Total respondents 127 employees denagan stratifield random sampling technique. The results showed there is a significant influence between the functions of leadership, competence, and organizational culture on employee performance either partially or simultaneously. As for competence has a direct effect of 20.6%, the function of leadership has a direct effect of 17.2% and direct influence of organizational culture by 4.4%.
Total overall effect is 72.6% whereas the effects of other factors were not examined on the performance of 27.4%.I Ketut R Sudiarditha; Agung AWS Waspodo; Nesia Ayu Triani2016-01-01This study aims to: (1) To determine the effect of the work environment on employee job satisfaction at the General Directorate of Public Services TVRI. (2) To determine the effect of work motivation on employee job satisfaction at the General Directorate of Public Services TVRI.
Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Kepegawaian Fullerton
(3) To determine the effect of the working environment and motivation to work together on employee job satisfaction at the General Directorate of Public Services TVRI. The analysis technique used in this study is a s.Marlet, Renaud2013-01-01This book presents the principles and techniques of program specialization - a general method to make programs faster (and possibly smaller) when some inputs can be known in advance. As an illustration, it describes the architecture of Tempo, an offline program specializer for C that can also specialize code at runtime, and provides figures for concrete applications in various domains. Technical details address issues related to program analysis precision, value reification, incomplete program specialization, strategies to exploit specialized program, incremental specialization, and data speci.Learn how the National Cancer Institute transitioned the former Cooperative Groups Program to the National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN) program. The NCTN gives funds and other support to cancer research organizations to conduct cancer clinical trials.Rawool-Sullivan, M.W.; Plagnol, E.1990-01-01The program AUTO was developed to be used in the analysis of dE vs E type spectra. This program is written in FORTRAN and calculates dE vs E lines in MeV.
The provision is also made in the program to convert these lines from MeV to ADC channel numbers to facilitate the comparison with the raw data from the experiments. Currently the output of this program can be plotted with the display program, called VISU, but it can also be used independent of the program VISU, with little or no modification in the actual fortran code. The program AUTO has many useful applications.
In this article the program AUTO is described along with its applications.Ferane Aristrivani Sofian2015-04-01Full Text Available Most Marketing Communication students are smartphone users. The students, either consciously or not, would prefer to use his/her smartphone rather than socializing with other people around. Even when in class during lectures, until it often leads to conflict between lecturer and students. In connection with the meaning, everyone will behave towards something based on the meaning of that something in his mind. Thus, this study would like to try to answer what the meaning of the smartphone for Marketing Communication students is; why they use a smartphone when lectures take place; and what their opinion in wisefully using of their smartphones. This study used a qualitative research system with a descriptive case study method.